Disobedience, nagging, interruptions, sibling squabbles, an attitude of entitlement, or just toys carelessly left all over the floor—there are plenty of opportunities to feel anger in motherhood. And when anger rises up in us, it’s tough to respond slowly and gently. Fortunately, God’s Word gives us hope and help. In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on when we feel angry as moms. When we fill our minds and hearts with the truths of Scripture, we can remember these words when anger tempts us to sin or despair. Next time you’re doing dishes, driving to work, or making lunches, we pray these verses encourage and transform you. The God of all sees your frustrations—he knows you and loves you deeply.
Note: We understand that anger covers a wide spectrum of responses and feelings. Please keep in mind that some instances and experiences of anger may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
When we’re struggling with mom guilt, burnout, keeping up with housework, and more, where should we turn for help and hope? While fresh resources, support from others, creative hacks, and advice from other moms are helpful and important, one source of truth outlasts and supersedes all others: God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of God’s Word in the life of a mom, troubleshoot the most common barriers to studying it, and share the inspiration behind this Scripture-heavy series. As we study the story of God’s promises and faithfulness to his people throughout history, we can trust that he is faithful to work in our lives, too.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Abide series here.
Download The Abide Method for free here.
Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour conversation, Emily and Laura discuss how they’ve applied the gospel to their own lives as they answer listeners’ questions. In this episode, you’ll hear what they’ve learned in marriage and motherhood over the years, how they deal with mom jealousy and comparison, how they disciple their children with disabilities, their favorite life hacks, and more. As you listen, we hope you don’t feel pressure to do life just like them, but that you see the beauty of the gospel in motherhood as we grow and gain the perspective of time.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources here.
Every mom does motherhood and work a little bit differently. A ton of factors are at play as each woman seeks to honor her own husband, care for children, serve the church, invest in the community, and glorify God in the marketplace. Instead of putting ourselves in another mom’s shoes, seeking to understand her situation or ask questions—we make a snap judgment, deeming her good or bad, faithful or unfaithful with little information. While there is a place for correction and tough conversations, left unchecked, our snap judgments about other moms can fuel pride and cause division. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss practical ways to love moms in our lives, even when we make different choices. When our identity is in Christ and we’re seeking faithfulness in our own lives, we learn from other moms who might do things differently.
Note: Not all moms have the luxury of choice when it comes to balancing day-to-day work and motherhood, and we understand that the consideration to honor our husbands is not applicable for single moms. No matter your season or circumstance, we pray this episode is an encouragement to you.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
Snow days and sick days, unexpected meetings, appointments, and skipped naps—motherhood is full of so-called “distractions” to our work. When these things happen, what is our next move as we seek to honor God in our day-to-day responsibilities? How can we be purposeful as we pursue the work God has given us to do? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author and Bible teacher Phylicia Masonheimer on practical ways to love the work of the home and manage daily demands. As we apply a right theology of work and motherhood to our lives, we can trust the Lord to give us the guidance and strength to run the race marked out for us.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
Where do career dreams fit in with God’s calling on our lives as moms? For most of us, our capacity for income-producing work has likely ebbed and flowed as we’ve transitioned into motherhood, enrolled our kids in school, or added to our families. In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with Portia Collins, founder of nonprofit women’s ministry She Shall Be Called and Partner Development Specialist at Revive Our Hearts, on being faithful in full-time income-producing work, career ambitions, and motherhood. As we ask the Lord what he has for us in each season, we can view all of our work as an opportunity to serve, trusting that he is faithful to give and take for our good and his glory.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
As moms, the work that fills our to-do lists can feel overwhelming. Schedules are tight, keeping the house clean is near-impossible, and the weight of meeting the mental and emotional needs of our families can put us in overdrive. In this episode, Emily chats with Jill Thomas, a mental health therapist focused on helping moms through the challenges of marriage and motherhood, on the ways work affects our mental health and how to step back and care for ourselves as we seek to faithfully do what God has placed before us. When our work feels heavy, we can rejoice that God has never asked us to do it alone, and his grace is sufficient to sustain. *While Jill Thomas is a licensed therapist, this episode is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you resonate with any of the mental health topics discussed, please reach out to a counselor or medical professional.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
How many hours can we clock each week, and still serve our families well? Should we take that job now that our kids are in school, or pull back as our families grow? Scripture hasn’t given us a one-size-fits-all answer in this area (which means Emily and Laura won’t be able to tell you either!), but we can find help for direction and discernment from God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura outline a few questions to think through when considering turning the knob up or down on income-producing work, particularly if you have the privilege of choice*. To take this show even further, we’ve also created a free workbook filled with gospel-centered questions to help a mom think through their income-producing work. You can find the link to the workbook below! As we navigate these decisions, we can trust that the Lord is our Counselor and Comforter in every season.
*We know not all moms are afforded choice in this area and it's an enormous gift to have options in work. If you are in a season where you long for a change in how you spend your days, please know we've prayed for you, asking God to give you strength to trust him in every season.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find the free workbook, discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
It’s time to make the bed—again. Do the dishes—again. Sit in a meeting—again. Answer an email—again. When we’re in a cycle of everyday, ordinary work, what is our reaction? Some of us dive head-first into busyness and box-checking, and some of us pull back, saving the hard work for “later.” In this episode, Emily and Laura examine our various sin tendencies when it comes to our work as moms. While we all will face challenges in our work on this side of heaven, God is gracious to help us work according to his principles and lead us in his ways.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
As moms, we all want to be faithful in our work. Whether paid or unpaid, seen or unseen, mundane or exciting—God has given all of us work to do, and what he has given us matters. In this episode, Emily and Laura look at God’s good design for work and the variety of ways it manifests in motherhood. The work we do as moms won’t always be easy or exciting, but when we’re able to lay it before the Lord, we can trust that he is faithful to finish the work he started in us.
This episode is brought to you by our generous donors. If you'd like to join them or learn more, click here.
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Moms + Work series here.
The dishes pile up. The kids run circles around the house. The to-do list is a mile long. Motherhood is full, but too often, we fill our time hunching over our phones, giving our best self to social media instead of looking up at the work in front of us. When we don’t know where to begin, social media feels like a welcome distraction. But when our days are consumed by social media, we might miss the most important things. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss faithfulness in motherhood, examining the way it impacts our limited time and energy. When we give God first place in our hearts and steward the responsibilities before us, we can use social media as a tool rather than an escape.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
As proud moms, most of us can’t resist sharenting. (Yep, that term is real! If you haven’t heard it before: it just means sharing pictures of our kids online.) Whether we have a small, private account for friends and family or share lifestyle content for thousands of eyes to see, let’s at least ask the question—why are we posting this? What are the rewards? What are the risks? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat through questions to consider the ‘why’ behind our sharenting. While the takeaway will look different for everyone, when the gospel guides our thinking, we’ll share with love and wisdom.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhood's email list for your free Social Media downloads!
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of
Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
Let’s get real: we all want to be liked. No matter where we are on the social media spectrum, from a professional content creator on Instagram to an occasional poster for the sake of the grandparents, God’s principles for the way we share content remain the same. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through questions to consider as we seek to honor God in the things we post online. When we’re known and loved by him, our content won’t be ruled by our desire to be ‘liked’ by others.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
We’ve all been there. We’re innocently scrolling through social media and then we feel a tinge of guilt, anger, or sadness. We get on social media to relax or escape from the world, and find ourselves feeling worse than ever. Cancel culture. Shame. Outrage. Judgement. Where does this all come from? How do we deal with it? In this episode of the podcast, Emily and Laura talk through all the feelings that social media brings up for us and how we process what faithful response looks like online. The only perfect person—Jesus. We won’t feel worse than ever when we spend our days looking at him.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
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Whether we recognize it or not, social media is changing us. It changes how we interact with people. It even changes our motherhood—what we buy, what strategies we use, and where we go for hope and help. In the first episode of our social media mini-series, Laura and Emily invite us to wake-up to the impact of social media on our lives. If we want to know how to swim in the waters of social media, we need to take a hard look at it’s risks and pitfalls. But as we bring the gospel to bear on our social media use, we can ask God to shape our desires and impulses for what brings the longest good to our families.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Social Media series here.
_Surprise! We have an extra show for you! Don’t worry, you didn’t get the day wrong. It’s not a Wednesday, but we loved talking about prayer so we just kept going. Maybe you’re left wondering “how do I actually get started with prayer?” Or you’ve started the habit countless times before, but always end up fizzling out. Emily jumped back behind the microphone to share 8 quick tips for making prayer a habit. As we round out the Prayer mini-series, we want you to feel equipped to go forward with a habit of prayer. So we put all the tips we could think of in one easy place for you!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the ESV audio Bible read by award-winning modern hymn writer, Kristyn Getty. This word for word audio version of the full Bible brings God’s word to life in a fresh way. Listen in your car, in your home, or on the go. Stream it for free today at ESV.org or in the ESV Bible app for iOS and Android devices. You can also purchase the audio as a digital download for 50% off with your Crossway Plus account. For more information visit crossway.org/plus. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
What do you do when you don’t feel like praying? Like the disciples in the garden with Jesus, you want to do the right thing, but you just can’t stay awake. Or you have the invite to the prayer meeting, but you would rather stay home to watch TV. In the final episode of the Prayer mini-series, Laura and Emily talk about the elephant in the room—sometimes we just don’t want to pray. Listen in as they troubleshoot the various reasons for why we might not feel like it. But they don’t leave us there. You might not feel like praying today, but hopefully this episode will fan a lingering flame in you, sparking a renewed desire for prayer.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the ESV audio Bible read by award-winning modern hymn writer, Kristyn Getty. This word for word audio version of the full Bible brings God’s word to life in a fresh way. Listen in your car, in your home, or on the go. Stream it for free today at ESV.org or in the ESV Bible app for iOS and Android devices. You can also purchase the audio as a digital download for 50% off with your Crossway Plus account. For more information visit crossway.org/plus. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
We believe prayer is important—even necessary—but where do we even begin? Listen in as Laura chats with a seasoned mom of six boys (yes, six!). You may know Ruth Chou Simons as the founder of Gracelaced and from her award-winning books. But we’re also thankful for her as one of the Risen Motherhood Board Members, so we’re excited to share her motherhood wisdom with you today! She gives her tips for making prayer part of your family routine, how to give your kids language for prayer, and so much more. You won’t want to miss this episode!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the ESV audio Bible read by award-winning modern hymn writer, Kristyn Getty. This word for word audio version of the full Bible brings God’s word to life in a fresh way. Listen in your car, in your home, or on the go. Stream it for free today at ESV.org or in the ESV Bible app for iOS and Android devices. You can also purchase the audio as a digital download for 50% off with your Crossway Plus account. For more information visit crossway.org/plus. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
Prayer is not a box to check during nap time. It’s something the whole family can get involved in, even when nap time is non-existent! In today’s episode, listen in as two moms, Laura and her friend Hunter Beless (whom you may know from the The Journeywomen Podcast!) share practical tips for praying as a family. They remind us that while it’s good to pray alone in the quiet of our bedroom, it’s also good to involve our kids in prayer as we do it together. There’s a practical idea for everyone in this episode!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the Flourish Bible Studies series by Lydia Brownback. These 10-week studies illustrate the overarching storyline of the Bible book by book. Each workbook features conversational teaching and study questions designed to give women tools for Bible study in every season of life. Pick up the Flourish Bible Studies wherever books are sold or visit crossway.org/plus to find out how you can get 30 percent off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
When it comes to prayer, kids have all the questions. Why do we say “amen?” Do I need to close my eyes? But moms have lots of questions about prayer too. Do I pray to God or can I pray to Jesus? How do I teach my kids reverence in prayer? In today’s episode, Laura and Emily tackle some frequently asked questions with biblical answers and personal application. As we disciple our kids according to their own questions and needs, we can be moms who point our kids to Christ and train them in prayer.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the Flourish Bible Studies series by Lydia Brownback. These 10-week studies illustrate the overarching storyline of the Bible book by book. Each workbook features conversational teaching and study questions designed to give women tools for Bible study in every season of life. Pick up the Flourish Bible Studies wherever books are sold or visit crossway.org/plus to find out how you can get 30 percent off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
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Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
Why is it so hard to pray? We know prayer is essential, but like the discipline of healthy eating, we turn to the chips instead of the veggies. We choose the quick fix, rather than the thing that sustains. In the first episode of our mini-series on prayer, Emily and Laura talk about our common struggles with prayer, the benefits of this essential habit, and why prayer is possible right now. Prayer keeps our eyes on the Lord, changing our lives today and generations to come—why wait? Listen in to hear the many ways prayer benefits you and how prayer has been part of God’s plan for his people from the beginning!
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of the Flourish Bible Studies series by Lydia Brownback. These 10-week studies illustrate the overarching storyline of the Bible book by book. Each workbook features conversational teaching and study questions designed to give women tools for Bible study in every season of life. Pick up the Flourish Bible Studies wherever books are sold or visit crossway.org/plus to find out how you can get 30 percent off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship this season!
Sign up for Risen Motherhood's email list for your free Prayer downloads!
Find discussion questions, links, and related resources from our Prayer series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible®, Artist Series, for helping make this mini-series possible! This collection of journaling Bibles celebrates the treasure of God’s word through the artistic talents of his people. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a biblical theme or passage, all designed to help readers engage with the Bible. Head to their website to view the beautiful covers and order your copy. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
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Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.
We’re so thankful for Crossway, publisher of the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible®, Artist Series, for helping make this mini-series possible! This collection of journaling Bibles celebrates the treasure of God’s word through the artistic talents of his people. Each artist offers a visual entry point focused on a biblical theme or passage, all designed to help readers engage with the Bible. Head to their website to view the beautiful covers and order your copy. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
Sign up for Risen Motherhoods' email list for your free Obedience downloads!
Find all of the links and related resources from our Obedience series here.