The daily hardships of motherhood weigh on us—difficult decisions, potty training, sleeplessness, and more. But sometimes we experience deeper, more profound suffering that makes us cry out, “Why God?” In this episode, Emily and Laura offer gospel encouragement for those in the midst of deep suffering. Suffering is different for everyone, but scripture offers unshakeable hope in every situation. Since God didn’t excuse himself from suffering, one day—through Christ—our suffering will give way to joy.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Crossway’s ESV Women’s Study Bible and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid until November 14, 2020.
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Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea about diversity to our children, exposing them to different types of people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture—affirming that all people are made in the image of God and should be loved as such.
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Crossway’s ESV Women’s Study Bible and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid until November 14, 2020.
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
You know that little voice in your head? The one that pipes up when you feel guilt over letting your kids eat too many cookies or sets off an internal alarm when you watch something questionable? All of us have one, but it’s not necessarily the Holy Spirit. What is it exactly? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the topic of personal conscience. God gave us a conscience to help discern what’s right and wrong in the everyday “gray” areas of life. While it can be dulled by sin, God can recalibrate our consciences through the study of his word and fellowship with believers, so we can do all things in faith with love.
We’re grateful to singer-songwriter Janet Blair for making this week’s show possible. She is looking for inspiration for future music and wants to tell your story through song. To be considered, simply enter at by September 30.
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Parenting alongside your husband can sometimes feel awkward and bumpy. We want to be intentional, but it can seem like we have wildly different styles and strategies than our spouses! In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the topic of marital unity. Even though we have different upbringings, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, God has joined us in marriage for his mission. He designed for us to do it together! Through Christ, we can have humility, forgive one another, refocus on our mission, and live in unity with our husbands as we parent together.
We’re grateful to singer-songwriter Janet Blair for making this week’s show possible. She is looking for inspiration for future music and wants to tell your story through song. To be considered, simply enter at by September 30.
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE
Even when it seems like you've done everything right as a mom, inevitably, things still don't go as planned. Someone disobeys, comes down with a fever, talks back or leaves their toy on the ground for you to step on, and in no blow it. Your hopes for a near-perfect day are dashed, leaving you wondering if there's even any point in trying. On today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about those bad moments and how we’re tempted to let them dominate our whole day. But we don't have to get stuck there, because our identity in Christ means we can keep pursuing holiness, even when we sin or our circumstances aren’t ideal. When we have faith that the Spirit of Christ works in us and we want to live in light of our redemption, we can press on in faithfulness. Momma, will you join us?
We’re grateful to World Vision for making this week’s show possible. World Vision is helping the world’s most vulnerable children and their communities address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit to sponsor a child today.
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
Find all of the links & related resources from the show HERE