Strollers, music lessons, school clothes, and summer trips—motherhood can be expensive. But the way we spend money can often reveal what we value and desire. In this episode, Emily and Laura scratch the surface of spending in motherhood, digging down to the roots: what’s in our hearts. By God’s grace, the gospel reshapes our hearts to love what God loves, enabling us to use the resources he’s entrusted to us for his glory. No matter our financial situation, Christ is our greatest treasure and our hearts will only be satisfied by him.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
“King Lemuel’s Mother: Raising Sons of Privilege” - Chelsea Stanley
“How You Honor Your Maker with Your Wallet” - Ivan Mesa
“In the Image of Christ or Instagram” - Whitney Aguirre
“The Gospel and Your Money” - Jason K. Allen
“Four Questions to Keep Close to Your Wallet” - Marshall Segal
“Emerald Green with Envy” - Abigail Dodds
“Your Choice: Gumball-Machine Happiness or Lasting Joy” - Melissa Kruger
Stewardship: Grace Made Visible - The Village Church (video)
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