There’s no formula for raising godly children. Instead, we follow the Christ’s example by offering our kids God’s expectations and grace as we disciple them. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elyse Fitzpatrick about faithfulness in the early years of motherhood. Elyse is a wife, mom, and prolific author of many books that apply gospel truths to daily life. While we’re called to faithfully nurture, train, and discipline our children according to God’s word, only Jesus can transform their hearts and teach them to love his design. Let’s give our kids the greatest example of faith by being sinners who run to Jesus with them.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Elyse’s Work:
Give Them Grace (co-authored with Jessica Thompson)
Answering Your Kids' Toughest Questions (co-authored with Jessica Thompson)
Finding the Love of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation
Front porch with the Fitzes Podcast
“He’s Been Through It All” - Elyse at R|M
Ep. 44 | Raising More Than Just “Good” Kids
“X-Ray Questions” - David Powlison
“Parenting is a Process, Not an Event” - Paul David Tripp (Video)
“Parenting a Difficult Child” - Julie Lowe
“Discipline that Connects with Our Children’s Hearts” - Jim & Lynne Jackson
Parenting - Paul David Tripp
Shepherding a Child’s Heart - Ted Tripp
For More:
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