Screen time can be a hot topic. We wonder, “Is there a formula for the right amount of TV time?” “Is 30 minutes or 45 minutes holier?” “Do you think my kids will be quiet if I put on a show and hide in the kitchen?” But what we need to ask is, “What’s going on in my heart?” In this episode, Emily and Laura share gospel hope for two issues in many moms’ hearts: guilt and fear. Whether you’ve used screen time to avoid the craziness of the day or created a system of rules to guarantee a particular outcome, the gospel meets you there with wisdom and hope.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Risen Motherhood on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
“Wisely Using Technology” Tony Reinke on Journeywomen
“ERLC Panel discussion: Screen time and family time” Trillia Newbell, Jason Thacker, Ben Stuart, Jamie Ivey, Tim Blackmon
The Tech-Wise Family, Andy Crouch
This is Our Time, Trevin Wax
“The Tension of Technology: Hope and Fear in the Digital Age” Jason Thacker
12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, Tony Reinke
“Are We Worrying Too Much About Kids on Their Phones?” Trevin Wax
“Give Your Children All of Your Attention. Some of the Time.” Harriet Connor
For More:
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