
Risen Motherhood

A podcast for moms. Join us as we explore how the ancient scriptures apply to modern motherhood and provide the framework for finding answers to your specific questions. As part of the greater Risen Motherhood ministry, in-depth, topical mini-series are released periodically.
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Risen Motherhood











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Now displaying: 2017
Apr 12, 2017

Even before walking down the aisle, questions start coming your way, "So when are you going to have children and how many do you guys want to have?!" As a couple who just wants to settle into married life first, it's natural to take the path-of-least resistance, neglecting to intentionally consider the hard questions about family planning. In this episode, Emily and Laura share the unexpected ways that God has shaped their ideas about children -- including family size, caring for orphans, and being unified with their husbands. There is no formula for a perfect Christian family plan, but we can all rest in our gospel-freedom, embracing children as the Lord does (sacrifices, messiness and all!). 

Articles & Resources:

  1. God loves life, and He is the ultimate giver / sustainer of life.
  2. God's glory is displayed through family relationships.
  3. God is Lord over the womb - He is sovereign over childbearing. 
  4. God thinks children are a blessing.
  5. God wants us to display the gospel as we sacrifice for the nurture of children - also, He loves the spread of the gospel from generation to generation, where parents disciple their children in the Lord. 

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
Apr 5, 2017

In motherhood, sometimes unexpected and even grief-filled news about your child can change all of your hopes and dreams for the future. When her son Titus was flagged for having a small cerebellum at his 20-week ultrasound, Abigail Dodds and her husband began their God-appointed journey as parents to a child with special needs. In this episode, she shares wisdom, rooted in the truth of the gospel, about everything from facing fears of the future to facing the hard chaotic "I can't do this" moments of the present. Whether you are a mom to your own child with special needs, an Aunt or Grandparent of a child with special needs, or a woman hoping to come alongside a friend as a loving support -- this episode is for you! As you'll hear Abigail share, God's promises in Christ can provide true joy and encouragement in any circumstance.

Articles & Resources:

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
Mar 29, 2017

Before we've even grown comfortable in the role of motherhood, it starts...the fall-to-the-floor tantrums, the food throwing, the back-talking, the hitting, and even the selective hearing. Suddenly, we're faced with the the reality that our children are sinners, and moreso, that God has given us the authority to do something about it! With a sea of opinions and resources, it's easy to just feel paralyzed. In this episode, Emily and Laura give an overview of discipline in the early years, especially focusing on using it as a tool to communicate the gospel.  Discipline will play out differently in each family, but the goal is the same: pointing our sinful children to their desperate need for the perfect Savior.


Although neither of us follow, subscribe to, or endorse one particular book or method of discipline, we still wanted to share some resources we've learned from (in different ways). Please see this not as the "perfect" list for discipline resources, but as a place to begin your own prayerful research and learning!

Mentioned in the Show:
  • Defining Discipline: Hebrews 12:3-11 (ESV)
  • Practical Takeaways for Each Section of the Gospel Mentioned:
    • Establish clear expectations according to God's word, and train the child to respond to those expectations. Practice immediate obedience when they are young with early commands like, "Come" or "Stop" in a low-stakes environment.
    • When children fail obey at an age-appropriate level (and they will!), provide consistent, loving discipline (not in anger or with a desire to punish/shame). This might be things like: time-out, natural consequences, loss of privilege, verbal rebuke, spanking, etc.
    • As the Holy Spirit leads, use discipline as a teachable moment to point the child to their need for a Savior. Pray together, hug, and always remember to reconcile after discipline -- forgiving them and keeping short accounts. 
    • Train your children in righteousness by encouraging them, practicing "doing what is right" in a low-stakes environment, and equipping them in everyday situations. See discipline in the context of disciple-making, and give your children the bigger picture: they are an image-bearer of God, created for relationship with Him for His glory.

For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on FacebookInstagram and follow on Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry. 

Mar 22, 2017

In today's culture, there is much debate about food, from the snacks on your toddler's plate to the liquid in their sippy cup. For every article that advocates for a certain diet, there is another one that says you should avoid it. Even the most research-savvy moms have a difficult time understanding how to love their family well by providing good food (without going overboard). In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some common heart issues and gospel freedoms surrounding the issue of food. Holding to perfect food standards shouldn't be more important than the connection and fellowship we enjoy during meal times in the name of Christ. 

Free Printable:

  • Find all of our free printables here


Articles & Resources:

For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on FacebookInstagram and follow on Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry.

Mar 15, 2017

Letting others into the imperfect mess of daily life is challenging in the easiest seasons, and holds particular stresses with little ones around. But should obstacles like disorganized toy rooms, meal planning, noise, and messes be a major deterrent to welcoming others in the name of Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical call to hospitality, and consider its importance, even in the season of young children. Because God welcomed us into his family when we were strangers at great personal cost to himself, we can extend that same welcome to others, even when it's not convenient.

Articles & Other Resources:

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on FacebookInstagram and follow on Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry. 

Mar 8, 2017

Over the last year or so, we've had many questions from listeners about all things motherhood, ranging from the super practical to the thought-provoking theological. Although we've tried to keep up with answers, we thought it might also be fun to record an entire episode that was packed with frequently asked questions! In this special one-hour edition, Emily and Laura laugh and chat about coffee, maternity pants, daily routines, balancing time inside versus outside the home, and so much more. And of course, because it's still Risen Motherhood, we hope you also catch lots of ideas about how to apply the gospel to everyday life!

Questions Answered (In Order) & Resources Mentioned:

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on FacebookInstagram and follow on Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
*Affiliate links provided where appropriate - thanks for supporting our ministry!
Mar 1, 2017

With nearly-unlimited resources for motherhood, it can be difficult to figure out what's helpful and what subtly distracts from our primary mission as moms. Even in the Christian resources, there are great nuggets of truth, stirred together with potentially dangerous theology. How can we safely get the help we need for motherhood without deviating from the path of truth? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common fears and missteps moms face as they navigate resources, and offer gospel-principles for "finding the meat and spitting out the bones". Because ultimately, when we are familiar with biblical truth we can be wise and discerning instead of scared and gullible.

Helpful Questions for Discerning Resources:

  • Check credentials / endorsements 
  • Who is this person? Were they educated in their field, and if so, where? How are they getting their information and who else endorses it? What is their reputation?
  • Check agenda
  • What type of theology are they hoping the reader adopts? Is there an underlying ideology that influences their ideas?
  • Check associations 
  • Who do they "buddy-up" with? Are they involved in any questionable or unethical organizations, ministries or "tribes"?
  • Check for the gospel
  • What is their worldview? Is it gospel-centered or coming from a different perspective completely?
  • Check for common issues of false teaching
  • Prosperity gospel
  • Works-based mentality 
  • Encouraging hope in something / someone other than Christ (lifestyle, relationship, parenting method, finding the "perfect" balance, etc.)
  • Culturally relative mentality: "whatever seems good to me or others must be right"

Articles & Other Resources:

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on FacebookInstagram and follow on Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

Feb 22, 2017

Have you ever felt like you can't shake the baby blues? Like maybe you've recovered from childbirth physically, but emotionally, you feel like an empty shell of who you once were? It's possible that you are battling postpartum depression (PPD). In this episode, writer and speaker, Lindsey Carlson discusses her struggles with PPD, giving practical insight and gospel-hope to other moms. She answers questions like, "How do I know if this is PPD or the baby blues?" and "What's the next step if I think I might have PPD?" But most importantly, she reinforces the truth that in Christ, PPD doesn't define our identity and it definitely isn't the end of our story. Whether you are walking through this, or you have a friend or family member with questions, this is a must-listen on a sensitive topic that many moms face.

Articles & Other Resources:

• Call your doctor.
• Call 911 for emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room.
• Call the toll-free 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or 1-800-799-4889.

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry. 

Feb 15, 2017

Busyness, squirmy children, silly questions, and feeling insecure about talking to toddlers about Jesus are all things that hinder intentional discipleship in the season of young children. When you feel like you can't live up to that other family, or your ideal picture of family devotion time, it's tempting to do nothing. But regardless the challenges, we're still responsible for sharing God's word with our children. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how they've altered their expectations for family worship, and share practical ideas for getting started. If the gospel is everything to us, and we are deeply grateful for God's word, we will show our children how to feast off of the bread of life.



Articles & Other Resources:

 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry. 


Family Devotions

Feb 8, 2017

When it comes to anger in motherhood, it's easy to be caught in a cycle of guilt and despair. However, the good news is that there is hope in Christ and power to fight sin in practical ways! Just like a person on a diet doesn't keep tempting foods within reach, with God's help, we can find ways to limit the temptation to sin in our anger while we process through the issues of the heart. In this show, Emily and Laura discuss common triggers for outbursts in motherhood, and share helpful hints for prevention. Because of the gospel, even a worn-out frustrated mom is under grace, with the power of the Spirit to pursue holiness from a new heart.

Articles & Other Resources:


 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry. 

Feb 1, 2017

Frustration, impatience, losing our cool, having a bad day, feeling overwhelmed; we all have different ways of describing an angry heart-attitude towards our children. Although we know what it looks like when we lose self-control (and we're experts at feeling guilty about it), we rarely stop to think about why we're so upset in the first place. In this episode, Emily and Laura share their personal struggles with anger and impatience, and discuss how the good news of the gospel is transforming their hearts. At the end of the day, we are not God and we don't deserve any of the kindness he's shown to us in Christ. Shouldn't we remember that, rejoice in it, and extend that same grace to our children?

Articles & Other Resources:


 For More:

  • To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher).
  • Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us.
  • Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information.
  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media.
  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.
*Affiliate links used where appropriate to support this ministry. 
Jan 25, 2017

When it comes to balancing various roles, Gretchen Saffles has experience with many on her plate! She's a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and an owner of a growing business. In this episode, she shares her journey into life as a working mom, some of the challenges she's faced along the way, and how she's learning to rest in Christ through it all. Gretchen speaks to moms who wonder how they can possibly accomplish all that God has called them to do, encouraging them to pray, "Jesus, be in me all that I cannot be."

Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

Jan 18, 2017

As winter presses on, so do the fevers, empty kleenex boxes, and doctor's office visits. When an illness means so much stress on the whole family, how can mom avoid bitterness, trust God and walk with grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura sympathize with the exhausting aspects of cold and flu season, while also sharing ideas about how the gospel transforms our perspective on common winter illnesses. Regardless of whether our little one has an ear infection or a bad cough, God calls us to the radical response of giving thanks for His goodness in all things.

Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

Jan 11, 2017

So maybe YOU know your mission is to point your kids to Jesus, but do they? Just as God gave clear, overarching missional statements to his children, we can provide direction through the intentional act of writing a mission statement for those in our care. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the why (and how) of writing a family mission statement with your husband. Even if all you do is take time to get on the same page with your spouse, determining your family's ultimate mission helps you stay focused on what really matters in your mothering.

Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

Jan 4, 2017

Even with the best intentions, we're all prone to distraction and busyness, tempting us away from time with the Lord. In 2017, it's the heartbeat of Risen Motherhood to not only discuss how to apply the gospel to everyday situations, but to encourage moms to spend more time learning the word of God. In this episode, Emily and Laura give some personal updates and set the course for another year of new podcast episodes. We're so grateful for your support, and look forward to walking this journey together in an amazing community of moms who long to glorify God!

 Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@risenmotherhood) to find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!

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