Maybe it's related to a petty thing, or maybe it's rooted in a big daily decision, but all moms face familiar feelings of guilt. The question isn't, "Do we battle guilt as moms?" but, "What will we do with it?" Will we continue to live under a dark cloud of condemnation, or bring our questions to the throne of grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the common underlying reasons for mom guilt, and start the conversation about how to deal with. Regardless of what you discover about your heart as you examine your guilt in light of scripture, there is only one outcome in the gospel: freedom. Glorious freedom.
Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
Especially under stress, it's easy to get caught in a pattern of using critical words with our children. Can you relate? Instead of tearing down, God's word encourages us to harness the tongue for building-up, giving grace, and pointing our children towards their ultimate source of life. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of practicing this skill with our children, and share practical ways to get started. We won't be perfect, but we can keep choosing words that speak truth, along with a heaping dose of love.
Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
So you read the parenting articles, brushed-up on the books, and did the research to approach a parenting issue intentionally. But, your plans quickly seemed to flop when you realized you were on a totally different page than your husband. How can mom be proactive and make a plan, while honoring, respecting, involving, and coming alongside her husband too? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the easy miscommunication traps we can fall into as parents, and share ideas for getting back on the same team. Mom and dad have the same ultimate goal: to pass along the gospel to the next generation, training up their children in the Lord.
Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
With young children, the years might speed by, but the days can feel like they go on forever. It's tempting to live for the next big milestone, fun moment, or restful break. Instead of asking, "How can I be faithful in this moment for the glory of God?" we find ourselves asking, "How can I burn through the next few hours and just make it to bedtime?" In this episode, Emily and Laura identify with this common trap, and discuss ways to keep our eyes on our primary mission. Passing along our faith to the next generation isn't just something that happens in the big moments. Instead, it's the humble collection of a million daily interactions over the course of a childhood.
Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!
A number of scenarios can lead to disappointment after childbirth, especially when you compare your real-life experience to your carefully-crafted plans. You're grateful for the sweet baby in your arms, but sometimes that doesn't completely silence the lurking questions you have about your childbirth. "Could it have gone better? Should I have made different choices? Did I do something wrong?" In today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own disappointments in childbirth and how hoping in God's good plans helped them find peace. Freedom comes when we realize we are not defined by our birth story, but our Savior.
Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!